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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Gumati, Bogor

For tourist who seek for traditional Indonesian food can go to Gumati. Located near the Bogor Palace, Gumati is serve Sundanesse food in Sundanesse decorated building. You can choose your food yourself from the food stall or you can ordere food from the table (I recomend you choose yourself). The price range is about Rp. 50.000 a person. The recomended menu is Pepes Ikan Mas, Sambel Leunca, Karedok (Very Hot), Limpa. And I recomend to go there in the evening because it will give you a great view of Bogor city at night.



le glaude said...

Dimas bonjour! Thank you for your visit, your photographs are very well and your blog too!! I did not find a C-box!! good week!! cordially, the hello of France to Indonesie

Ros Marya Yasintha said...

romantis sih klo malam dimas...
klo siang hari "kurang" jadi terkesan kumuh karena rumah2 di bawah itu :)

Anonymous said...

mo coba deh kalo ke bogor, mesti nginep neh keknya kalo ngikutin RMY :D